Thursday, December 4, 2008

I recently did a project on, an online shoe company, which has an outstanding corporate culture. In my business ethics class we were assigned to choose a company who we believe is ethical and do a presentation for our class. I originally saw Zappos' CEO Tony Hsieh on Oprah prior to the assignment. As many people know I have a not-so-secret love affair with shoes, so this topic is right up my ally.
I knew this was a great company after seeing the oprah interview but my love for this company began with a youtube video I watch while doing research for my presentation. Hsieh spoke about their unbelieveable customer service and the culture of the company. I have never heard of a company quite like this one. Hsieh is not your typical CEO who hides in his enormous corner office and owns 20 designer suits. He wears casual clothes each day where he works alongside other employees in a CUBICLE.
In order to enhance the Zappos atmosphere they frequently have office parties and parades! Hsieh prides himself in making a workplace where employees actually want to be there. The reason I chose this topic to blog about is partly to share how fantastic I think this company is but also to talk about social media. One of the ways that Zappos creates a family culture and great relationships is through their twitter. They post about the company, random things that are happening in their lives, and jokes. While reading their twitter page I smiled because I enjoyed what the employees had to say as well as Hsieh. I can proudly say that I am follower of Zappos on twitter and they are following me in return.
I will honestly admit that at first I was not a huge fan of twitter but now that I am emersed in it, it has 'tipped' for me.

1 comment:

jenifer said...

Nice photo..! Zappos is considered the biggest online store specializing in footwear.