Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wedding Planning

When I declared Public Relations as my concentration I was glad to know that special events planning was a possible career opportunity. The first thing that came to my mind was wedding planning ( no, not because of the Jlo movie.) While searching for wedding planning blogs I thought this one provided neat tips and great information for wedding planners.
My last post was related to the recession that we are currently undergoing. My new wedding planning article focuses on this topic as well. It is not a coinsidence that blogs across the PR spectrum are talking about this, because it may greatly affect our future careers.
This recent article focuses on the importance of not skipping on a wedding photographer while trying to cut down on cost in these tough times we are experiencing. It also gives tips on how to still get a great photographer possibly at a lower cost. For future wedding planners, now is the time to be an expert at cost cutting in areas that it will not be noticeable. These recession is happening and we must be ready when we venture into the work force.

Image from:


Ginger Carter Miller said...

We need to talk about how you can embed your URLS. Also, that white on pink is HARD to read! You might consider a change...we'll talk more when you come by for your grad app.

Interesting post!

Chels said...

I think you would a precious wedding planner. But just learn from J-Lo's movie that it's ok to eat all colors of M&Ms :)