Sunday, September 28, 2008

Not ready for "sub prime" spin

Is what is NOT being said spin? Of course. In the PR world we call it spin, in politics we call it a great plan. It was, or sounded like a great plan when President Clinton proposed using Fannie Mae, the quasi government morgage guarantee company, to help people who would have not been able to receive a loan through normal means. This policy (circa 1999) helped many struggling Americans receive a loan to buy a home, who otherwise would not be able to qualify. Sounds good so far... what is NOT being said is the inevitable cause and effect when government interfears in the free market. Such as Bizillions of dollars loaned to these people who now can't afford the payments. Big mess! So big that I heard this would require a $700 BILLION bailout from the lovely taxpayers (you & me).
Last week we witnessed Barney Frank gabing about the current economic trainwreck caused by President Bush. Not one word from the 'Frankfurter' about this being a Clinton policy to begin with... talk about spin :) One guess who wrote this fine peice of legislation for the Clinton administration.
Times up! Barney Frank. Don't you just love politics.

The PR world is always being called out and blamed for spin, but when we look to the governement and disect their proposals the proof is in the pudding. As PR professionals it is our ethical responsibility to stear clear of propaganda because guess what, people will only beleive and trust what you say for so long. But it is our respobsibilty as Americans to inform ourselves so that we can see through this spinning mess. Because I learned as a child if you spin enough inevitably you get sick and pay the price.
I having been hoping and searching to find a good PR blog to read and really find out from professionals, beyond simple Millyvegas, and see what in the world is out there. Carter is always gabing about how there are so many PR blogs out there and what great information there is but why couldn't I find it? Well, I think I am begining to discover that I favor tremendously the grassroots Public Relations. I like the thought of forming long lasting relaonships with people. As a "Public Relations" person one should actually form relationships!
I ran across Jeremy Peper's blog, who is a San Francisco PR Rep. I really enjoyed his thoughts on actually picking up the phone and meeting with clients and the media in order to set up his organization's media tour when his computer was on the fritz.
I am not a huge fan of technology and sitting in front of a computer screen all day. I had so much rather sit down with a real person or speak with them personally and hear to voice I am actually speaking to. I have a passionate love for coffee so a quick coffee date with a client is a 'perk' on so many levels (pun intended).
To me personal interaction is much more respected and appreciated than the inpersonal e-mail.
I have a close friend that is the Vice President of domestic sales of Hawker Beechcraft, this is a large provider of corporate jets in the U.S. and internationally. I was talking to him one afternoon over a salad while he was explaining to me how he likes to interact with the people within his company. Many executives and salesmen e-mail from office to office within the same building. He found this humerous and said that they have to wait sometimes hours for a response when all they had to do was walk to their door to ask the same questions. He laughed and said "this way they have to answer your question when you ask it."
I really like relationship aspect of doing public relations.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Skinny Hollywood

The best way to spread an idea or influence the use or purchase of a product is having someone influential create a "buzz factor." In Public Relations the buzz factor can make or break any organization or person. Hollywood, more than ever, is sporting a super skinny image and wearing a size 00. Sadly, girls and even grown women look to these celebs as what is perfect and beautiful. This subject has been harped on many times before but it is so true. I just feel like that there is an incredible number of girls who I know who have struggled with some type of eating disorder or body image crisis.

I would say that one third of the girls who I know have had struggles with this in the past or currently. These girls are beautiful and by no means fat. Also, this struggle is terrible and taxing on women young and old.

These celebrities need to stop endorsing the product of extreme thiness. This is creating a society of unhappy self conscience women who are influenced by the celebs they look up to.

This idea came to me last night while watching the Emmy's of how slender these women really are.

Even the "housewives" are tiny. Thier PR for super svelte is quite influentail.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kanye West Arrested

The well known singer Kanye West, as most of us have heard, was arrested last week. Apparently the paps were invading his privacy. This all went down at LAX aiport. He reportedly knocked a camera out of a photographers hand and broke it and he has been charged with vandalism.

Do stars these days think that they are so above everyone else that they can get away with anything?

I am sure his PR representative is doing some serious damage control. I was just doing some pondering about how different the areas of PR can be! One PR person may be planning parties while another is doing damage control for an organization or in this case Kanye.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Watermark Weddings

This weekend I was talking with a friend about what I wanted to do after graduation and she told me she had a connection with a company called Watermark Weddings. I have e-mailed my new contact about internship opportunities and my fingers are crossed. 

The awesome thing is that I was looking at this company's website before while doing internship research. My fingers are crossed.  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wedding Planning

Belles, Bows, confetti, and promises, what are weddings all about?

To me weddings mean different things to different brides. To some brides, it is a day and event they have dreamed about like a fairy tale. To others, it is something they thought would never come.

Whatever the case, to me being a wedding planner and truly listening to be able to give a bride something that is her it would be extremely rewarding. Many women who have a full time career do not need a wedding to be a hassle. This should be a stress free celebration.

I have researched and found a few different companies that do offers internships in the Atlanta area. Another awesome resource I have found to educate myself before even interning is the knot website. After I got over the akwardness of registering because you have to put in a groom's name (I am single) it was very resourceful and interesting. By just l0oking at the site I was inspired and got so many new creative ideas for "that perfect day."

I just hope I can handle the Bridezillas!


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Republican National Convention

the New York Times blog has interesting opinions about the current timing of the national convention.

This blog brings up the fact that coverage of hurricane Gustav make contend with the airing of the convention. Because Katrina was such an increadible disaster people may be more interested in that than what the republicans have to say. Also, it is notable that the democratic convetion pulled in 22 million veiwers.

Now the news of Palin's 17 pregnant daughter could potentially overshadow McCain was well.